Monday, February 3, 2014

Authentic Classroom Daily Resources 02/04/2014

As the 21st century moves forward we begin to see more learners creating and taking control of their PLN.  How often do we talk about learning networks with kids in the public education system?  Do we help them build their own learning networks beyond the classroom walls? 

Learning Without Technology - The Educator's PLN

The more we learn about learning, the further we seem to be getting away from the primary teaching lessons of the past. Lectures, although necessary, are no longer the focus of teaching methodology. Today’s methods seem to be relying on more collaborative and authentic learning. Actually doing and making, as opposed to having descriptions and theories delivered by lectures, is a shift, which is taking place in education today. Critical thinking, always addressed to some extent in learning, is now becoming more prominent in education.

tags: education pbl ibl

Students propose changes for India's educational system | The Chronicle

While many undergraduates were preparing to move in for the Spring semester, 100 students contemplated solutions to educational challenges in India and the United States. This year’s Winter Forum, titled Rethink Education: The Innovation Challenge, featured speeches from two former North Carolina governors—Jim Hunt and Bev Perdue. The three-day forum—hosted by the Center for Child and Family Policy at the Fuqua School of Business—allowed students to work with experts in education to create proposals to eliminate common problems in the field. At its conclusion Tuesday, groups of about eight students presented their solutions and winning teams were announced.What do you think?
tags: education pbl ibl

No wonder nobody wants to come | Dangerously Irrelevant

"Ira Socol says: If your school, and your school day, is not about students collaborating, connecting, and building knowledge and understandings together, why would anyone come? Serious question. If students want to learn in isolation; if they want to sit at a desk and work on their own stuff, occasionally checking in with an “expert,” they have no reason to come to school. They can do a lot better at home, or at their local coffee shop, or even the public library, where both the coffee and the WiFi connection will be better."
tags: education ibl pbl

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Student @CGressmanTHS explains the power of her PLN

"With or without the guidance and support of educators and parents, students across the globe are developing and building their personal learning networks. Knowing how to do so effectively is a key to successful learning independence.  Below you will hear from Courtney Gressman. A young lady in the midst of building a learning network to help open the eyes of educators to students feelings about school and learning.  Read on to discover how this has impacted her as well as how both her teacher and mother supported this work. "
tags: education pbl ibl pln

Western Massachusetts to test new standardized exam called PARCC |

"n the spring, thousands of students across the state will become guinea pigs as they take a new national assessment exam for the first time. Nearly two-thirds of 647,700 students in grades 3 through 11 will test a portion of the PARCC, or Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for Colleges and Careers exam, that is being rolled out with the new national Common Core education standards which 18 states, including Massachusetts, have adopted."
tags: test exam education pbl ibl
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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